CFMEU and Labour just don’t get it!

The people of Victoria have had enough. Premier Jacinta Allen's complacency towards CFMEU corruption is a glaring indictment of her and Andrews leadership. The CFMEU's corrupt practices are well-documented, yet Allen's administration continued to maintain close ties with this powerful union, turning a blind eye to its rampant illegal and corrupt activities.

An hour ago Zach Smith, the Secretary of the CFMEU's Construction and General Division, appeared on the Today show and blatantly denied any knowledge of any corruption within the militant union. His claim that an internal investigation would address the allegations is both infuriating and laughable. How can I, with no connection to construction have known about this corruption over the past decade and yet he nothing! Smith’s repeated denials and lack of knowledge about the union's deep-seated corruption, even regarding the amount of its donations to the Labour Party, expose him as either an incompetent fool or maybe daft enough to believe deny, deny, deny and we can eat again soon! A term used for talking bribes.

Smith's ignorance extends to being unaware of both Jacinta Allen and Prime Minister Albanese being informed about the union's corruption back in 2022. This raises serious questions about their integrity and commitment to fighting corruption. It appears that they are more interested in protecting their political allies than upholding the law and serving the public. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you at any cost.

Under mounting pressure, Allen's response has been tepid at best, talking only of a suspension. This is not enough. The people of Victoria deserve leaders who are willing to take a firm stand against corruption and restore integrity to their government. Allen’s inaction is a betrayal of public trust and an endorsement of corruption. It is ridiculous to take any outrage she is trying to display regarding the allegations as genuine, as she has been aware of the systemic corruption and criminal infiltration of the Union since 2022. At the very least the amount of money tax payers have lost to cover all the under table payoffs should be a top priority for this government. Have we just got so used to this kind of behaviour from politicians that we now just shake our head and move on.

The Labour Party must urgently sever ties with the CFMEU and commit to real transparency and accountability. Political expediency cannot continue to trump moral responsibility. The future of Victoria’s governance and the trust of its people depend on it. It is no wonder Victoria is a basket case!!


Eden Westbrook: The time for truth!


CFMEU - No surprises!